How to organize multiple HTTP checks

Hello everyone,
I am a bit stuck in finding an elegant or at least practical solution for the following use case:

We have several external webservices we want to check for availability and performance. Hence I setup mutliple HTTP checks (or rules for HTTP checks).

A problem arises when I want to change parameters for existing services. I have to manually edit every single one of them, which is not feasible when we have 50+ rules. I want to be able to change multiple rules at once or have some sort of group / general rules which will apply to every other rule.

I tried the following approaches:

  • Setup a generic rule to set response times, which will be used for every host. Specific rules for a host have no response time settings (default). Unfortunaly that will just simply create a service from the rule for every host (match) with the set response times but will not change any other rules.

  • Setup predefined conditions. This will only affect conditions from other rules and has nothing to do with HTTP check

Any ideas how to tackle this one? Would the use of the API make sense?

Thanks a lot for any tips and / or insights!

Hi Tobias,

welcome to the forum!

I think Checkmk 2.3 will be the answer to your problem (screenshot from our internal training materials):

Maybe you want to try it out in the beta?

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Hey Elias,
thanks for your response. That looks promising.
Do you have any ETA on when to expect a stable 2.3 release?

The stable will probably happen at the end of April or in the first week of May.


Thanks a lot for your swift answer. I would like to keep that ticket open till I have tested that new functionality after the update to 2.3.

Take care!

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@TGion 2.3 stable was released today!

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