HP StoreOnce wrong values for size of filesystem

Hi guys

I’m using Checkmk 1.6.0p6 and I need to monitor my HP StoreOnce 4500. I did a full scan to discover all the services and I get 2 warnings caused by wrong data:
ServiceSet 1 Capacity Size of filesystem is 0 MB(!), Dedup ratio: 13.43
Total Capacity Size of filesystem is 0 MB(!)
I checked it on the StoreOnce itself there is more than ~3 TB of ~15 TB available.

Does anyone know a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance.

It happened to me too. I did not find the solution and disabled it. :frowning:

Hi dsiab,

this is a bug in handling the old format of the agent output. Will be fixed soon with werk #10756.


I have upgraded to version 1.6.0p11 and the Total Capacity service returns me 0MB still.
I thought it was fixed in werk # 10756.

Does anyone have the same problem?


This werk should fix the 0 bug but not the wrong calculation of bytes to gigabytes.
You can take a look at the post Wrong value for size of Total Capacity StoreOnce
But i think this will only help if you have some numbers and not only 0

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One thing more is that your “Total Capacity” comes not from the check like the output from your first topic.
You can have a look inside the “Total Capacity” what check this is. It is not the “ServiceSet” check.

Hi Andreas-Doehler, you are right,

the service is not “ServiceSet”, but “check_mk-storeonce_clusterinfo.space”. I will seek information on this matter.

Thanks for your help.

More info:
cmk -d my_host

Total Capacity 53165.886909973
Total Capacity (bytes) 53165886909973

Inside your clusterinfo section is there a value with name “localCapacityBytes” or “localFreeBytes”
This is only inside the service set data.
My old check what i use is working. I see that i must extend my pull request from today also with the not working clusterinfo section :slight_smile:

This is the old working version
But do not use this like a replacement - i don’t checked if it works with actual 1.6.
My system with the StoreOnce must be upgraded to 1.6 i think the next week.
Then i must do the work to get correct results.

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I did not see the notification of your answer, thank you very much andreas-doehler.

You have given me an idea that I am going to try.

Thank you

In the “master” branch of the file https://github.com/tribe29/checkmk/blob/master/checks/storeonce_clusterinfo the section “Cluster space” is:

#   .--cluster space-------------------------------------------------------.
#   |           _           _                                              |
#   |       ___| |_   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __   ___ _ __   __ _  ___ ___        |
#   |      / __| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \       |
#   |     | (__| | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ |    \__ \ |_) | (_| | (_|  __/       |
#   |      \___|_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_|    |___/ .__/ \__,_|\___\___|       |
#   |                                         |_|                          |
#   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
#   |                                                                      |
#   '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space(parsed):
    return [('Total Capacity', {})]

check_info['storeonce_clusterinfo.space'] = {
    'inventory_function': inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space,
    'check_function': check_storeonce_space,
    'service_description': "%s",
    'has_perfdata': True,
    'includes': ["size_trend.include", "df.include", "storeonce.include"],
    'group': "filesystem",
    'default_levels_variable': "filesystem_Default_levels",

This does not work, it returns Total Capacity = 0.

The code should be:

#   .--cluster space-------------------------------------------------------.
#   |           _           _                                              |
#   |       ___| |_   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __   ___ _ __   __ _  ___ ___        |
#   |      / __| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \       |
#   |     | (__| | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ |    \__ \ |_) | (_| | (_|  __/       |
#   |      \___|_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_|    |___/ .__/ \__,_|\___\___|       |
#   |                                         |_|                          |
#   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
#   |                                                                      |
#   '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space(parsed):
    return [('Total Capacity', {})]

def check_storeonce_clusterinfo_space(item, params, parsed):
    total_mb = float(parsed['Total Capacity (bytes)'])/1024/1024
    free_mb = float(parsed['Free Space (bytes)'])/1024/1024

    yield df_check_filesystem_list(item, params, [ (item, total_mb, free_mb, 0) ])

    dedup = float(parsed['Dedupe Ratio'])

    yield 0, "Dedup: %.2f" % dedup

check_info['storeonce_clusterinfo.space'] = {
    'inventory_function': inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space,
    'check_function': check_storeonce_clusterinfo_space,
    'service_description': "%s",
    'has_perfdata': True,
    'includes': ["size_trend.include", "df.include", "storeonce.include"],
    'group': "filesystem",
    'default_levels_variable': "filesystem_Default_levels",

Esto funciona:


Pull request created that these will be also in the next stable release.

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Thank you very much @andreas-doehler, your help was essential to find the solution.
