Impossible to filter view with "not begins with"

Hello, I am using Checkmk Enterprise Edition 2.1.0p14
I want to create a view that displays all hosts that do NOT begin with a certain IP address.

For example, list all hosts that have an IP address not starting with 10.69.

I wanted to achieve this using Regex. Using Regex101, this expression would be the one I need:

Unfortunately, CMK sends an error when trying to apply this search pattern:
Unhandled exception: 400: Filter: invalid perl operator: (?!

After further digging it seems like CMK is indeed unable to understand a lookahead pattern and the “solution” is to show a proper warning:

So is it correct that CMK does not understand all Regex patterns?
How can I now create my desired view [the IP addresses change, so placing hosts in certain folders or giving them tags would not be a permanent solution I guess]?

Thank you!

apparently RegExp are not fully supported/working as expected.
Its a mix of regexp and glob patterns if I remember cocrrectly
One Topic I quickly found:

You are by far not the only one who is annoyed by this. :frowning:
Two suggestions:
Open a proper feature request here:

And also vote for those already related to it

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