Meraki Cloud Monitoring

@TLI finaly I had some time to look at the updated Meraki Agent (cmk2.2.0b6):

  1. the key for the org id is not organizationId but id
    → Fixed.

  2. the key ‘organizationId’ is expected by
    Key changed to id → ok. but still not included in the section. This still crashes (send to

  File "/omd/sites/cmk22/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based/", line 49, in _make_item_name
    return f"{row['id']}"

I have added line 296 to the agent, with line 297 I add the org name so this can at least be shown in the details of the licence overview:

293     def _make_section(
294         self, *, name: str, data: MerakiAPIData, piggyback: str | None = None
295     ) -> Section:
296         data['id'] = self.organisation['id_']
297         data['orgname'] = self.organisation['name']
298         return Section(
299   ,
300             name=_SECTION_NAME_MAP[name],
301             data=data,
302             piggyback=piggyback,
303         )
  1. if there are no section to fetch is configured in the agent rule, the agent does nothing. I think by default the agent should fetch all sections.
    → Fixed

  2. the item for the services should not be the org id but the org name in my opinion
    → Don’t work at the moment (see item 2)

  3. not every device has a lanIP
    → Fixed

  4. piggyback data by IP-address
    → changed to device name, OK for me.

  5. cisco_meraki_org_device_info works, but wrong path
    → Address, Product type, Orgid/Name was added :slight_smile: but still in the wrong path (at least in my opinion) :frowning:

  6. section name don’t match
    → Fixed