Moving a host using REST API

CMK version: Checkmk Raw Edition 2.2.0p7
OS version: latest docker container

Error message: FAILED: 403 {“title”: “Permission denied”, “status”: 403, “detail”: “The user doesn’t belong to the required contact groups of the following objects to perform this action: Folder(‘192erNetz/default_value’, ‘default_value’), Folder(‘192erNetz/test’, ‘test’), Host(‘k0815rt.local’)”}\move-status_code=403

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

Hi team,

I try to move a host to another folder. I tried it using the bash script found in the forum and my own python scripts. All I get is the error

FAILED: 403 {“title”: “Permission denied”, “status”: 403, “detail”: “The user doesn’t belong to the required contact groups of the following objects to perform this action: Folder(‘192erNetz/default_value’, ‘default_value’), Folder(‘192erNetz/test’, ‘test’), Host(‘k0815rt.local’)”}\move-status_code=403

The automation user should have all the rights it needs. Do I have to configure something else?


maybe I’m wrong but wasn’t there a smiliar thread some days ago?
Did you check the rights or do you guess they are right?

aaaa… I’m a fool. It was an subsequent errors from another script that configured the wrong contact group.
As newbie it is a little bit confusing that even if the automation user is configured as administrator (and can add devices to all folders) you need the right contact group to move devices… Sorry to bother you & many thanks

No problem,
looking forward to your next question.