Network drive problem with local checks - writing plug-ins for windows

Hi All,

These two questions are quite related for my case.

I wrote a local check for accessing a network drive and testing some files, (both systems are Windows servers) which failed. From what I understood, it must be copied in the local folder of the same server which hosts the files (LocalSystem account).
Is there any work around for local checks to access the network?

Alternatively, is it possible with plug-ins? I checked the documentation here:

which gives me the impression this is intended for linux systems only.
Is it possible to write plug-ins for Windows? If so where could I find the documentation?

Thank you for your help,

P.S: Already found a nice solution for the local check here:

But my second question still stands.

The answer is right here.

This is what you should read about agent based plugins.


If you write a plugin or a local check makes no difference. All agent scripts (plugins and local checks) are executed under the user context of your agent. This is normally “Local system” but you can change it to any other allowed user.

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Thank you, this is clear on a linux system. I need the equivalent paths on a windows system. e.g. local/lib/check_mk/base/plugins/agent_based/ …

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