Plug-in Migration Livestream

Hello all!

As we had a call on discussing the new Developer APIs, we have realised that there is a lot of interest in learning more about the new APIs and how to migrate plugins that are already there.

So, we planned a livestream that you can join to see a plug-in developer, Checkmk Team Lead @moritz and our CPO @martin.hirschvogel migrating a plug-in right before your eyes.

You will be able to ask question in the chat and this livestream will be recorded in case you cannot join.
See you on June 26th, 2pm Berlin Time on YouTube.



Thank you everyone who joined today!

When Moritz is finished with the code, we will share it here :slight_smile:

And of course we will be happy to see you on our next community call – Roadmap Q&A !


The migration and mainlining is done. You can take a look at the commit to see what we have done.
You can see the previous code here: check_mk_extensions/ceph at cmk2.2 · HeinleinSupport/check_mk_extensions · GitHub

Most of the work was probably mainlining, so maybe we will do another session another time after the holidays, which is migrating one of our own plugins.

Thanks to @moritz, @r.sander and @Sara !