Podman Monitoring on Checkmk

I want to monitor podman containers running on RHEL machines. Please suggest. The agent mk_docker.py does not have support for podman.

Checkmk 2.3 will have podman suport: mk_docker: Added podman support

This is the version which is currently installed in our environment 2.0.0p25 (CEE). Any changes that we can make in current docker agent mk_docker.py to support podman monitoring? Please suggest.

The support for Checkmk 2.0 has ended in September 2023. You should consider updating to the currently supported versions 2.1 or 2.2.

When using Podman in production environments, it is usual to control the containers with systemd e.g. by generating a system unit with podman-generate-systemd or the Quadlet mechanism.
Until Checkmk 2.3 with podman support is released, you can monitor at least the state of the Systemd unit by using the ruleset Service Discovery Rules → Single Systemd Service. This does only monitor the state (e.g. running, stopped or failed) and does not collect metrics data. But it is better than nothing.

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Hi @r.sander ,
unfortunately the link you’ve mentioned does not work anymore and the work 15584 has disappeared.
Do you know what happened to podman support?


No, I do not know what happened with the podman support.

Hello @CFriedrich ,

Please take a look at this thread, Docker monitoring doesn't works as expected - #5 by martin.hirschvogel, it gives some updates on the topic.

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The comment from Niklas in the ideas portal also described it:

Now I have to wear my sad face for the rest of the day :slightly_frowning_face: