[Question] how to install and setup MKP file

**CMK version: **Checkmk version 2.0.0p18 RAW
OS version:CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

**Error message:Unable to analyze matching, because “service” parameter is missing > when try to install postgres_replication 1.2.0.mkp

could you please someone guide me how to install mkp file step by step**

**Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: Checkmk version 2.0.0p18
Try license usage history update.
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Next run time has not been reached yet. Abort.
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Updating IPv4 DNS cache for checkmk.cdi-systems:
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache

    Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
    [cpu_tracking] Start [7f5a2e0176a0]
    No piggyback files for ‘checkmk.cdi-systems’. Skip processing.
    No piggyback files for ‘’. Skip processing.
    [PiggybackFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: NoCache(base_path=PosixPath(‘/omd/sites/monitoringjtn/tmp/check_mk/data_source_cache/piggyback/checkmk.cdi-systems’), max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=120, inventory=120), disabled=False, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
    [PiggybackFetcher] Execute data source
    [cpu_tracking] Stop [7f5a2e0176a0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
    [cpu_tracking] Start [7f5a2e017670]
    Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
    No persisted sections loaded
    → Add sections: []
    Received no piggyback data
    Loading item states
    Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/tmp/check_mk/counters/checkmk.cdi-systems
    Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/tmp/check_mk/counters/checkmk.cdi-systems
    Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/tmp/check_mk/counters/checkmk.cdi-systems
    Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoringjtn/tmp/check_mk/counters/checkmk.cdi-systems
    No piggyback files for ‘checkmk.cdi-systems’. Skip processing.
    No piggyback files for ‘’. Skip processing.
    [cpu_tracking] Stop [7f5a2e017670 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.020000000000000018, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.02000000048428774))]
    execution time 0.0 sec | execution_time=0.020 user_time=0.020 system_time=0.000 children_user_time=0.000 children_system_time=0.000 cmk_time_agent=0.000
    ** (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

when try to edit rule

Your installed version will not work correctly with CMK 2.0. It was build for 1.6.

have a look at https://github.com/claranet/checkmk_postrgres-replication for a newer release.


aahhh miss that version ,. thanks for correct me,.

ok will try,. thanks

Hi checkmk user

i just update version but still issue when setup plugin

can someone guide me install step by step with best practice


I did it this way:

  1. Download ZIP file from GitHub - claranet/checkmk_postrgres-replication
  2. Extract the ZIP file in a directory
  3. Switch to the checkmk_postrgres-replication-master directory
  4. Run the script ./build_mkp.sh
  5. The scripts generates the file checkmk_postgres_replication_2.0.0.mkp
  6. Copy this file into the root directory of your site e.g. /opt/omd/sites/monitoring and change user and group to monitoring
  7. Switch into the site user e.g. omd su monitoring
  8. Install the file: mkp install checkmk_postgres_replication_2.0.0.mkp
  9. Show the installed extension e.g. mkp list and mkp show postgres_replication


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