[Release] Checkmk stable release 2.2.0p36

Dear friends of Checkmk,

the new stable release 2.2.0p36 of Checkmk is ready for download.

This stable release ships with 18 changes affecting all editions of Checkmk,
3 changes for the Enterprise editions, 0 Cloud Edition specific and
1 Managed Services Edition specific changes.

Changes in all Checkmk Editions:

Checks & agents

  • 16254 Add metric translations mrpe based windows checks…
  • 17097 Increase RSA key size for Agent Controller’s client TLS certificate…
  • 16899 oracle_locks: allow checking w/o setting a state…
  • 17323 FIX: Azure agent: fix query for backend IP configurations in virtual machine scale set…
  • 17321 FIX: Azure agent: fix query for network interface configuration in virtual machine scale set…
  • 17196 FIX: Crash in during HW/SW inventory on Windows…
  • 17362 FIX: Stop showing longer time ranges in size_trend…
  • 17087 FIX: agent_cisco_meraki: Apply changes to selected organisations immediately…
  • 17320 FIX: azure usage details: increase API page size and specify ClientType…
  • 16256 FIX: check_http: Handle chunked encoding without actual content correctly…
  • 16897 FIX: chrony: wrong handling of ‘n/a’ values for ‘Ref time (UTC)’ and ‘Stratum’…
  • 17039 FIX: db2_sort_overflow: Fix typo in service summary…
  • 17197 FIX: esx_vsphere_vm_snapshot: Correctly compute creation time…
  • 15343 FIX: oracle_performance: character string buffer too small…
  • 17355 FIX: raritan_pdu_plugs.py: respect user defined parameters…


  • 17268 FIX: Opsgenie: use Checkmk CA trust store…

Other components

  • 17332 FIX: Fix pushed MKPs in distributed monitoring being impossible to disable…

User interface

  • 17356 FIX: Decode semi-colon from monitoring history…

Changes in the Checkmk Enterprise Edition:

Agent bakery

  • 16557 FIX: Distributed agent bakery: cached packages remain on remote site…

Checks & agents

  • 17309 FIX: checkmk_agent: Respect “State if agent deployment is disabled for host” setting…


  • 17145 SEC: Information leak in mknotifyd…

Changes in the Checkmk Cloud Edition:


Changes in the Checkmk Managed Services Edition:

Checks & agents

  • 17340 FIX: Registering agents without automation user…

You can download Checkmk from our download page: Download Checkmk for free | Checkmk

List of all changes: Werks

We greatly thank you for using Checkmk and wish you a successful monitoring,

Your Checkmk Team