RobotMK: kein neuer Service entdeckt


ich habe mich gerade erstmals durch das Robot-Framework und Selenium gekämpft und die ersten Suites laufen nun fehlerfrei in der Konsole.
Beim Einrichten unter RobotMK habe ich aber leider noch Probleme: Es tauchen einfach keine neuen Services auf.

check_mk_agent | grep robot

Liefert keine Ausgabe - entsprechend kommt natürlich auch in der GUI nichts.

Hier ist ein Screenshot meiner Agent Bakery Regel:

Die Robot-YML:

# Created by Check_MK Agent Bakery.
# This file is managed via WATO, do not edit manually or you
# lose your changes next time when you update the agent.

# This file is part of Robotmk, a module for the integration of Robot
# framework test results into Checkmk.

  execution_mode: agent_serial
  agent_output_encoding: utf_8
  transmit_html: false
  log_level: INFO
  log_rotation: 14
  robotdir: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/robot
  outputdir: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/robot_log
  logdir: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/robot_log
  cache_time: 1200
  execution_interval: 900
suites: {}

und die check-config (gekürzt und anonymisiert):

Showing current configuration...

Configuration from config file (/etc/check_mk/cmk-update-agent.cfg):
protocol: http
site: firma
certificates: []
ignore_update_url: True
interval: 600
proxy: None
signature_keys: ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIC4DCCAcg...Y0P+YVxY=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n']
use_proxy_env: False

Configuration from state file (/etc/cmk-update-agent.state):
installed_aghash: 3febb455479c5006
last_error: None
last_check: 1639474748.660527
last_update: 1639400127.4140985
host_secret: kbyboo...zbrqpz
user: register
pending_hash: None

Was habe ich hier übersehen?

Das Ganze läuft auf einer Debian-Maschine mit dem headlessfirefox, falls das eine Rolle spielt.
Unter /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/robot gibt es ein Unterverzeichnis namens login_tests, welches die .robot Dateien enthält.


Edit: wir verwenden CheckMK 2.0.0p15 CME und die RobotMK-Version steht in der Config :slight_smile:
Edit 2: als ich den grep auf den check_mk_agent abgesetzt habe, wurde natürlich die Encryption vorübergehend deaktiviert.

@simonm das ist doch Dein Thema.
Vielleicht hast Du eine Idee?

Danke Elias, ein paar gleich :slight_smile:

Hi Roland,

Prüfe mal:

  • hast Du dem Agenten erlaubt, .py Files als Agent plugin auszuführen? (> Limit script types to execute)
  • Sind die für Robotmk notwendigen Python-Module installiert? (pip3 install pyyaml mergedeep python-dateutil)
    Ich habe das (endlich…) auch dokumentiert, siehe robotmk/ at v1/dev · elabit/robotmk · GitHub

Wenn die Module installiert sind, kannst Du mal versuchen, im Plugin-Dir python3 (produziert den Agentenoutput bzw. die Sektion für Robotmk) bzw. python3 -v (führt den Robot-Test aus, -v zeigt das, was normalerweise nur im Log landet) auszuführen.
Da darf es dann keine Fehler mehr hageln.

Ansonsten melde Dich gern nochmal.

VG Simon



die Pakete waren tatsächlich nicht installiert, danach ging es immer noch nicht, weil die Python-Version noch 3.5.2 war. Inzwischen läuft das auf einem anderen Server mit python 3.7.3

Dort wird der Service nun erkannt, aber ich bekam eine andere Fehlermeldung:

Suite ‘kopano’: Suite statefile /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/robot_log/robotmk_kopano.json not found - (seems like the suite did not yet run)

Als ich dort nachgesehen habe, fand ich die Datei jedoch.
Zurück im CheckMK habe ich dann gesehen, dass der Service inzwischen grün war.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe. :slight_smile:

Ich habe noch eine Frage dazu - die hat aber überhaupt nichts mehr mit CheckMK zu tun. Ich stelle sie einfach trotzdem, wenn ich schonmal einen Fachmann erreiche … :grin:

Ich möchte prüfen, ob sich in der Owncloud Onlyoffice öffnet. Das tut es aber leider in einem neuen Fenster und ich weiß nicht wie ich dahin springen kann. Ich habe das probiert:

Click on Document
    Click Element  //*[@id="fileList"]/tr[3]/td[1]/a[2]/span[1]

Click on Open with OnlyOffice
    Click Element  //*[@id="fileList"]/tr[3]/td[1]/div/ul/li[2]/a
    Sleep  1s

Switch to Onlyoffice Window
    ${handles}=  Get Window Handles
    Switch Window  ${handles}[1]

Onlyoffice should be open
    Title Should Be  a.docx - Owncloud

Das “Switch Window” hier funktioniert nicht. Ich habe schon einige andere Versionen davon probiert, z.B. Switch Window title:a.docx - Owncloud, aber das geht auch nicht.

Und wenn das dann funktioniert, prüfe ich momentan leider nur den Titel, was auch ein bisschen wenig ist. Das ganze Fenster stellt einen iframe dar, welcher mir scheinbar keine brauchbaren XPaths liefert, aber derzeit kann ich, wie gesagt, nichtmal das Fenster wechseln.

Bei all diesen Tests überlege ich auch immer: Beim nächsten Update, wenn der Hersteller etwas umstellt, muss ich vielleicht einige robot-Files neu schreiben. Gibt es da Best-Practises, um das zu minimieren?

Eine weitere Überlegung, die bei diesem Projekt aufkam: Was kann man machen, wenn der Kunde auf 2FA-Authentifizierung umsteigt. Gibt es in solchen Szenarien auch Möglichkeiten mittels Robotframework zu testen?


Hi Roland,

prima, dass der Test jetzt in Checkmk erscheint.
Zu Deinen Fragen:

  • Fensterwechsel: Switch Window kennt auch ein Argument NEW. Damit wird das zuletzt geöffnete Fenster aktiviert. Damit hatte ich bisher ganz gute Erfahrungen gemacht.
  • Prüfung des Inhalts: Wenn der zu prüfende Inhalt in einem iframe geladen wird, musst Du dort hineinwechseln mit Select Frame. Mit “Unselect Frame” geht es entsprechend wieder heraus.
    Tipp: in den Browser-Developertools kann man den Kontext ebenfalls umschalten, wenn man auf der Konsole Xpath-Selektoren testen möchte:
  • XPath-Selektoren / UI-Update / Best practice: Wenn es eine Empfehlung gibt, dann die, dass man XPath-Selektoren am besten von Hand entwickeln sollte.
    Deine stammen vermutlich aus den Developertools (“Copy XPath”) oder einem Addon. Solange sich bei der Owncloud-UI nichts daran ändert, dass /tr[3]/td[1]/div/ul/li[2]/a unterhalb eines Elements mit der ID filelist zu finden ist, wird Dein Test laufen. Mir wäre er noch zu starr weil er sich auf eine Verkettung von 6 Tags verlässt und Indizes verwendet. Jeder Test muss vielleicht irgendwann mal angepasst werden, die Frage ist nur, wie bald.
    Dein Selektor ließe sich mit Sicherheit noch eindampfen und damit stabiler machen lassen. So etwas muss man von Hand schreiben.
    Meine Lieblingsressource für XPath ist dieses unterhaltsame Game: Xpath Diner - Where we feast on Xpath Selectors! - damit bekommt man alles beigebracht, um Xpath selbst schreiben zu können. (gibt es auch für CSS-Selektoren)
    Ich teste Xpath in der Developer-Konsole mit $x(), also so:
  • 2FA: Selbst hatte ich damit noch keine Berührungspunkte, weiß aber von einem Kunden, der das schon gemacht hat. Ich frag mal nach, ob er hier ein bisschen was preisgeben will. :slight_smile:

VG Simon


Dann nochmal danke für all die Hinweise.
Besonders das Spiel gefällt mir.

Ich habe jetzt alle meine Suites soweit fertig.

… prima, freut mich :ok_hand:

Vermutlich wird eine der üblichen Authenticator Apps verwendet was erstmal schlecht zu automatisieren wäre. Zum Glück halten sich diese Apps an den Standard TOTP, auch wenn dies nicht beworben wird. Für TOTP wiederum gibt es eine Robot Framework Bibliothek, welche ich empfehlen kann:

Der Ablauf fürs einrichten und testen kann so aussehen:

Willkommen in der Welt der offenen Standards.

1 Like

@ypid Danke für den Hinweis.

Schön zu hören, dass es dafür schon etwas gibt.

Wir verwenden als 2FA-Lösung die Enterprise Edition von privacyIDEA. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass sich die an den TOTP-Standard halten.

Hallo zusammen!
Ich will das Topice um meine Frage erweitern. Ich taste mich gerades an RobotMK ran. Eine Site habe ich erstellt und sie läuft auch local auf dem Client. Wenn ich den Agent auf den Client mit “test” aufrufe, wird die Site auch durchgeführt. Wenn ich versuche die RobotMK Services in CMK Server zu inventarisieren, findet er diese nicht. Wenn ich “cmk -d Hostname” von CMK Server aufrufe, ist die Robotmk Section nicht vorhanden. Alle anderen Sectionen bekomme ich aber. Wenn ich den Checkmk Agent mit “adhoc” laufen lasse, wird die Section geliefert wenn ich von Server aus anfrage. Für mich sieht das so aus, als ob die Robotmk Plugins einfach ignoriert werden. Der “Check_MK Agent” Service sagt das 2 Agent plugins erkannt werden. Da ich nur die beiden RobotMK Plugins verwende, werden sie also erkannt. Vielleicht ja ja jemand eine Idee?

Verwendete Versionen:
Enterprice Edition 2.1.0p23
Agent 2.1.0p23
Agent über Bakery erstellt
TLS Verschlüsselung wird verwendet

Hi Stephan,

ich gehe also vom agent_serial mode aus, richtig?
Kannst Du mal das Agent-Log nach Aufrufen von robotmk durchforsten?
Python ist installiert?

Siehe auch:


Hallo Simon!
Ja, ich verwende Mode agent_serial. Das Ich im Verzeichnis c:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\modules\ keine Einträge habe liegt vermutlich daran, dass ich auf dem System Python installiert habe. Die Pakete sind aber auf dem System installiert.

Hier mal ein Auszug vom Log. Mir sagt das nicht viel.

2023-03-31 20:14:31.494 [app 22104] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,ps1,py]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.495 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [38] files to execute
2023-03-31 20:14:31.495 [app 22104] [Trace] Sync Plugin Entry 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\' forced to be async, due to cache_age [900]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.500 [app 22104] [Trace] Sync Plugin Entry 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\' forced to be async, due to cache_age [900]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.500 [app 22104] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  async with age:900 timeout:895 retry:0
2023-03-31 20:14:31.501 [app 22104] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2023-03-31 20:14:31.501 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [2] files to execute in 'plugins'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.502 [app 22104] Generating answer with id [1446541559704200]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.502 [app 22104] Id is [1446630947441100] for ip []
2023-03-31 20:14:31.502 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'wmi_cpuload' is direct called, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.560 [app 22104] [Trace] Found Name at 29
2023-03-31 20:14:31.561 [app 22104] [Trace] Found NumberOfLogicalProcessors at 32
2023-03-31 20:14:31.561 [app 22104] [Trace] Found NumberOfProcessors at 33
2023-03-31 20:14:31.566 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'wmi_cpuload' id is [1446630947441100] length [245]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.566 [app 22104] perf: Section 'wmi_cpuload' took [64] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.567 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'uptime' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.567 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'uptime' id is [1446630947441100] length [20]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.568 [app 22104] perf: Section 'uptime' took [0] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.568 [app 22104] Using file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe' for winperf
2023-03-31 20:14:31.569 [app 22104] [Warn ] No forking to get winperf data: may lead to handle leak.
2023-03-31 20:14:31.569 [app 22104] From ip
2023-03-31 20:14:31.569 [app 22104] [Trace] Loaded [3] entries in LogWatch
2023-03-31 20:14:31.570 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'df' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.570 [app 22104] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,ps1,py]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.570 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'services' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.571 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'ps' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.571 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'fileinfo' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.571 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'logwatch' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.572 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'mem' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.572 [app 22104] [Warn ] Failed FindFirstVolumeMountPointA at volume 'C:\', error is [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.572 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [38] files to execute
2023-03-31 20:14:31.572 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'fileinfo' id is [1446630947441100] length [34]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.573 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'mem' id is [1446630947441100] length [239]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.573 [app 22104] [Warn ] Failed FindFirstVolumeMountPointA at volume 'D:\', error is [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.574 [app 22104] [Trace] Sync Plugin Entry 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\' forced to be async, due to cache_age [900]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.574 [app 22104] perf: Section 'fileinfo' took [1] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.574 [app 22104] perf: Section 'mem' took [1] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.575 [app 22104] Processed [2] drives
2023-03-31 20:14:31.575 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'df' id is [1446630947441100] length [114]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.576 [app 22104] perf: Section 'df' took [5] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.580 [app 22104] [Trace] Sync Plugin Entry 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\' forced to be async, due to cache_age [900]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.581 [app 22104] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  async with age:900 timeout:895 retry:0
2023-03-31 20:14:31.581 [app 22104] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2023-03-31 20:14:31.582 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [2] files to execute in 'plugins'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.582 [app 22104] [Trace] To start [2] sync plugins
2023-03-31 20:14:31.583 [app 22104] Gathered 3686 bytes of winperf data
2023-03-31 20:14:31.583 [app 22104] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,ps1,py]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.584 [app 22104] [Trace] Exec app 'python.exe "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"', mode [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.584 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'winperf' id is [1446630947441100] length [3686]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.584 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute
2023-03-31 20:14:31.585 [app 22104] Send at port 'mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0' 'success' by 'winperf' [3686]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.585 [app 22104] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute in 'local'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.586 [app 22104] [Trace] Skipping 'wmi_webservices' by time
2023-03-31 20:14:31.586 [app 22104] [Trace] To start [0] sync plugins
2023-03-31 20:14:31.587 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'dotnet_clrmemory' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.587 [app 22104] [Trace] Absent/Empty node mrpe.config type is 1
2023-03-31 20:14:31.588 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'msexch' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.588 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'local' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.589 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'local' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:31.589 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'mrpe' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.590 [app 22104] [Err  ] failed to open eventlog: 'Security' error = [1314]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.590 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'skype' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.591 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'spool' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.591 [app 22104] [Trace] Skipping 'openhardwaremonitor' by time
2023-03-31 20:14:31.592 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'local' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.592 [app 22104] Received [373] bytes from 'wmi_cpuload'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.593 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'mrpe' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:31.593 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'mrpe' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.594 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'agent_plugins' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.595 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'spool' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:31.595 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'spool' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.596 [app 22104] perf: Section 'mrpe' took [3] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.597 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'agent_plugins' id is [1446630947441100] length [285]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.597 [app 22104] perf: Section 'spool' took [4] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.598 [app 22104] perf: Section 'local' took [3] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.598 [app 22104] perf: Section 'agent_plugins' took [3] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.599 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'logwatch' id is [1446630947441100] length [717]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.599 [app 22104] perf: Section 'logwatch' took [27] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.602 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeActiveSync_MSExchangeActiveSync' in 13ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.602 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_activesync' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.610 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAvailabilityService_MSExchangeAvailabilityService' in 6ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.610 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_availability' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.619 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeOWA_MSExchangeOWA' in 7ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.619 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_owa' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.621 [app 22104] Received [148] bytes from 'uptime'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.626 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAutodiscover_MSExchangeAutodiscover' in 6ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.627 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_autodiscovery' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.634 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISClientType_MSExchangeISClientType' in 6ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.634 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isclienttype' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.639 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book Web Query'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.641 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISStore_MSExchangeISStore' in 6ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.642 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isstore' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.647 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [0], error [87]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.648 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.649 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [144], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.649 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess' in 6ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:31.650 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [588], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.650 [app 22104] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_rpcclientaccess' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.651 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [884], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.651 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'msexch' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:31.652 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [968], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.652 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'msexch' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.653 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [976], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.653 [app 22104] perf: Section 'msexch' took [64] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.654 [app 22104] Received [162] bytes from 'fileinfo'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.654 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [628], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.655 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [668], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.656 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [704], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.656 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1044], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.657 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1116], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.658 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1168], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.658 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1232], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.659 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1284], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.659 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1292], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.660 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1392], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.661 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1464], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.662 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1568], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.662 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1576], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.663 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1632], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.664 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1684], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.665 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1708], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.665 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1724], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.666 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1768], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.666 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1816], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.667 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1916], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.668 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book File Download'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.668 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2096], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.669 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2116], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.670 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2188], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.671 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2196], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.671 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2204], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.673 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2212], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.673 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2364], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.674 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2432], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.675 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2520], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.675 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2528], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.676 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2568], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.677 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2628], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.677 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2636], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.678 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2852], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.679 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3008], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.679 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3016], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.680 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [2424], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.681 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1372], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.682 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3132], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.683 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3124], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.683 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3140], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.684 [app 22104] Received [367] bytes from 'mem'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.684 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3320], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.685 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3396], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.685 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3420], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.686 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3468], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.687 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3552], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.687 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3616], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.688 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3700], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.688 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3708], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.689 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3924], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.689 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3932], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.690 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3952], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.690 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3960], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.691 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3968], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.691 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3984], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.692 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3996], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.693 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4012], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.693 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4020], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.694 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4068], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.695 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3220], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.695 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3716], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.696 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3712], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.696 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Location Information Service'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.697 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3064], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.697 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [3588], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.698 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4104], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.698 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4112], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.699 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4120], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.699 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4128], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.700 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4136], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.700 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4144], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.701 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4156], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.701 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4164], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.701 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4176], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.702 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4436], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.702 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5164], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.703 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5508], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.703 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5516], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.704 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5488], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.704 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5780], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.705 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [6392], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.705 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [6484], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.706 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [6656], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.706 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [7924], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.706 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [7596], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.707 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [6872], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.707 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [7368], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.708 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [8496], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.708 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [8752], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.711 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9268], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.711 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9600], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.712 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9820], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.712 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9976], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.713 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9044], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.713 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9460], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.716 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [10808], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.716 [app 22104] Received [242] bytes from 'df'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.717 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11524], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.717 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11604], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.719 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [12152], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.720 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Distribution List Expansion'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.721 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [15792], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.721 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [13720], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.722 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11896], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.723 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1192], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.723 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1176], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.724 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4276], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.725 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9948], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.725 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [15724], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.726 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [1748], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.727 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [15476], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.728 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [12476], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.728 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [10328], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.729 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11600], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.731 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [12748], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.733 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [8936], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.733 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11132], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.735 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [11328], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.736 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [5904], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.736 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [21688], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.737 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [7032], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.741 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - UCWA'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.747 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [19592], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.748 [app 22104] Received [3814] bytes from 'winperf'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.748 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [15520], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.749 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [34656], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.749 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [32856], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.752 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [35704], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.758 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [43700], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.758 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [42484], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.759 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [24500], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.759 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [16744], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.760 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [19432], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.760 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [29576], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.769 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Mobile Communication Service'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.770 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [39524], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.778 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [4284], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.779 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'local'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.780 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [23404], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.781 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [36396], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.782 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [42732], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.783 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [19000], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.784 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [35372], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.786 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [38836], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.787 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [31400], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.787 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [7728], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.788 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [9288], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.789 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [15136], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.789 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [30188], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.790 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [18492], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.790 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [6232], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.791 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [14360], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.792 [app 22104] [Err  ] Can't open process with pid [35184], error [5]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.793 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'ps' id is [1446630947441100] length [25787]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.794 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Throttling and Authentication'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.794 [app 22104] perf: Section 'ps' took [222] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.803 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'services' id is [1446630947441100] length [16784]
2023-03-31 20:14:31.804 [app 22104] perf: Section 'services' took [232] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:31.810 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'mrpe'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.820 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Auth Provider related calls'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.838 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Protocol'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.842 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'spool'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.855 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Responses'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.872 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Peers'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.873 [app 22104] Received [413] bytes from 'agent_plugins'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.890 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Load Management'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.904 [app 22104] Received [845] bytes from 'logwatch'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.908 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Authentication'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.931 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:CAA - Operations'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.936 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'msexch'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.949 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.968 [app 22104] Received [25915] bytes from 'ps'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.971 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.993 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AsMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2023-03-31 20:14:31.999 [app 22104] Received [16912] bytes from 'services'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.016 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.036 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - DBStore'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.054 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.070 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.088 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Health Indices'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.104 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Counters'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.115 [app 22104] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' in 528ms sends NO DATA
2023-03-31 20:14:32.116 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'dotnet_clrmemory' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:32.116 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'dotnet_clrmemory' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:32.116 [app 22104] perf: Section 'dotnet_clrmemory' took [529] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:32.121 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.125 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'dotnet_clrmemory'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.136 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Media Relay'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.152 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Auth - Requests'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.167 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAPROXY - Server Connections'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.182 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.188 [app 22104] perf:  In [605] milliseconds process 'python.exe "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"' pid:[16272] SUCCEDED - generated [19263] bytes of data in [2] blocks
2023-03-31 20:14:32.189 [app 22104] [Trace] Provider 'plugins' is about to be started, id '1446630947441100' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgentTest_0]
2023-03-31 20:14:32.189 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'plugins' id is [1446630947441100] length [19278]
2023-03-31 20:14:32.190 [app 22104] perf: Section 'plugins' took [0] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:32.197 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.211 [app 22104] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.211 [app 22104] [Warn ] Section 'skype' cannot provide data
2023-03-31 20:14:32.211 [app 22104] [Trace] Sending data 'skype' id is [1446630947441100] length [0]
2023-03-31 20:14:32.212 [app 22104] perf: Section 'skype' took [621] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:32.219 [app 22104] Received [19406] bytes from 'plugins'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.251 [app 22104] Received [128] bytes from 'skype'
2023-03-31 20:14:32.252 [app 22104] perf: Answer is ready in [749] milliseconds
2023-03-31 20:14:32.377 [app 22104] Send [68449] bytes of data
2023-03-31 20:14:32.377 [app 22104] [Warn ] destroy connection


diese zwei Zeilen hier sind verdächtig:

2023-03-31 20:14:31.584 [app 22104] [Trace] 
    Exec app 'python.exe "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"', mode [0]

2023-03-31 20:14:32.188 [app 22104] perf:  In [605] milliseconds process 'python.exe
   "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"' pid:[16272] SUCCEDED - generated [19263] bytes of data in [2] blocks

Da vergeht nur eine halbe Sekunde. Der Agent führt Robotmk schon aus, aber das schlägt fehl.
Es könnte sein, dass hier ein “App-Alias” von Windows greift.
Drück mal aufs Startmenü und tippe “alias”. Wenn dann sowas wie “Ausführungs-Aliase verwalten” oder so ähnlich kommt: öffnen und die drei Handler für Python deaktivieren.
(Windows sieht vor, .py Files mit einem Python zu öffnen, das aus dem Appstore installiert werden kann. :nauseated_face:)

Dem steht entgegen, dass im manuellen Agent-Test die Suite ausgeführt wird. Aber einen Check ist es trotzdem wert.

Was kommt, wenn Du den und auf der cmd mit “python.exe” startest?
Was zeigt where python.exe ?


Hallo Simon!
Ich habe nur 2 Alias Einträge gefunden. Beide waren App-Installer einmal für python.exe und einmal für python3.exe. Beide mit python .exe aufgerufenen Scripte laufen. Die runner liefert natürlich kein Status Ouput weil der ja mit der geliefert wird.



P.s. Der Check_mk_Agent läuft auf meinen Windows Desktop Rechner. Ich versuche es mal morgen auf einer anderen Umgebung nochmal. Die andere Umgebung ist eine nackte Server Installation plus Python.