Special_vcsa_services] Agent exited with code 1: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:769:

Continuing the discussion from Problems with vCenter Server Appliance - OS: linux, [special_vcsa_services] Agent exited with code 1:

Does anyone know how to fix this alert? disabling SSL certificate validation not solving the problem and my centre has a valid certificate.

**CMK version:2.1.0p36
**OS version:VCSA 7.0.2

*Error message: special_vcsa_services] Agent exited with code 1: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:769: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

If you use CMK 2.1 and get such a message.

That means that the used script/special agent is not for a CMK version 2.0 or newer.

You should try a newer version of this special agent like this one.

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Thank you Andreas, i looked for the plugin and I only saw that the old one was not supporting 2.1. checking the new plugin.

Hi Andreas, I downloaded and enabled the new vcsa7 package - and removed the old one. I was still receiving errors. Do you have any idea why? credentials are fine…
agent integrated API,

First do a “cmk -D hostname” on the command line as site user.
In the output you find the call for the special agent.
What happens if you execute it manually?

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when i run: agent_vsphere ‘-u’ ’ xxx ‘xxx’ ‘-i’ ‘hostsystem,datastore,counte rs,licenses’ ‘-P’ ‘–spaces’ ‘underscore’ ‘–vm_pwr_display’ ‘vm’ ‘–vm_piggynam e’ ‘alias’ ‘–no-cert-check’ ‘xxx’ it gives me -bash: Program:: command not found

This is the original vSpehere special agent but not some other agent for vcsa.

i don’t see other details when running cmk -D

Then the special agent config for this host is not correct.