About the Localization category

Everything about translate.checkmk.com and translating Checkmk to your language

How to Use Checkmk Weblate (translate.checkmk.com)

  1. Start by registering and clicking on the activation link that you’ll get on your e-mail.
  2. On translate.checkmk.com you’ll then see the Checkmk project.

  1. The Checkmk project contains the Software component. This component contains all strings that appear on the Checkmk Raw Edition and Enterprise Edition.

  1. Choose a language. If your language isn’t available, please contact us if you’re interested to start a translation for a new language.

  1. When you click on a language, you’ll see the view below. We will deep dive on this view on the next section.

  1. Simply enter your translation on the Translation panel, and once finished, click on Suggest. Upon clicking suggest, you’ll be forwarded to the next string. You can also click on Skip to skip this string.

The Translation View

Translation Panel


Source change: Shows the recent changes on the source string. This helps us know that there were changes and the translation needs to be updated accordingly.

English: Our reference language is English, hence it shows as the string that needs to be translated

German: This is the field where you can type your translation. This field says German because it’s the language chosen in this example.

Needs editing: When this is checked, it means the source string has been updated or there’s a reported problem with the translation, and thus it needs to be edited.

Save: For all users, ‘Save’ is grayed out. Please click on Suggest to submit your translation.

Suggest: Suggest a translation to the string. Click on this to submit your translation.

Skip: Click on Skip if you don’t want to translate the current string and move on to the next.


You can use the filter, search and sort features to search for specific strings that interest you. Click on the drop down menu to see further options in viewing the strings.

Glossary and Source Information

To help with the translation, there is a Glossary and Source Information panel on the right side. The Glossary will show defined translations that are related to the string.

The Source Information panel shows the source string location, which you can click and will lead you to the source code on GitHub, so you can have an idea where does the text appear.

Nearby String, Comments etc.

Below the Translation panel are various tabs that can be useful on the translation process.

Nearby strings: Shows strings that might appear near this string on the code. This can give some idea on how some words on this string has been translated.

Other occurrences: This shows where else in the project does this appear. As we only have one component (Software) this will not be relevant for now.

Comments: If you want to start a discussion about the string, you can do so here.

Automatic Suggestions: In this tab you can see some suggested translations and choose to copy them if it makes sense.

Other languages: This tab shows how the string is translated in other languages

History: Shows the history of this string, including string changes.

Adding a new language

Please send me a message if you have a language request. We will have to evaluate if it’s feasible (e.g. there will be people who can translate it). If you’re willing to start it, we can talk and make it available.

Reporting an error in the source string

Found a typo or do you think the source string (in English) can be improved? Go to Comments and under Scope, select Source string comment, suggestions for changes to this string and write your comment.

How to ask for help

All discussions regarding translate.checkmk.com will go to the Localization category. For any other concerns, don’t hesitate to send a personal message to @Sara on the forum.


Could you add Japanese language to start the translation?

Hi Yoshihiro,

We would be happy to!
I’ll let you know when we have it live.


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Hi Yoshihiro,

It’s now live here. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions in how the tool works. :slight_smile:

Thanks for initiating the Japanese translation!

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Hi, fayepal

Thank you for creating it.
I would start asap.


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Hello, fayepal

I downloaded the csv files which need to be translated.
I would translate it with the csv at first.

After I finished it could I import it into the “translate.checkmk.com”?
Or should I put it using the Web GUI one by one?
Kindly tell me.


Hi Yoshihiro,

You should be able to upload the CSV file here: Checkmk/Software — Japanese @ Weblate

Please let me know if you encounter any problem.


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Dear fayepal,

Thank you for you comments.
However I can’t find the csv upload menu and then push the Save Botton.
Kindly refer to the attached files.

Maybe I haven’t had enough privilege I think?

Hello Fayepal,

I deleted my message by mistake, so send the same message again. I’m sorry.

I installed the Japanese language MKP file in my test instance, but some items cannot be desplayed on the screen.
I checked the Japanese translation file here: Checkmk/Software — Japanese @ Weblate
and the word was translated correctly.
Why can’t I display them? Could you check this, please?


Hi @Hiroko

this issue was fixed with today’s p10 release.
