Network Visualization data creation (or how to get the Network Visualization working)

@schnetz wrote in Network Visualization


Maybe there is a solution now. With my network visualization data creation
plugin you can create the required network_data.json file from your Checkmk
HW/SW inventory data.

The plugin should be also is now available on the Checkmk Exchange (THX) soon. The latest version can be downloaded here Network Visualization data creation. You can also find the documentation there.

At the moment, the program is in a good PoC state. So if you will, give it a try. Feedback/suggestions are most welcome.

THX to @DGE who was my beta tester :wink:

Edit: added download URL to the Exchange


@ arvydas.gazarian

The merge option is now available.
Please note the -m/–make-default option has changed to -d/–default to make room for the new -m/–merge option.

OMD[build]:~$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -d -m CDP LLDP

Start time: 2023-10-20T19:31:34.10
Devices added: 17, source inv_LLDP
Devices added: 80, source inv_CDP
Devices added: 29, source static
Time taken: 0.457689695/s
End time: 2023-10-20T19:31:35.10
